Computational Innovations and Research for
Care-centered  Learning and Education

Computer Science is perpetually evolving, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. Yet, while its innovations continually reshape our future, there's an emerging understanding that the way we learn about technology and its intent matters. Led by Dr. Preeti Raman, the Computational Innovations and Research for Care-centered Learning and Education (CIRCLE) lab, in the Department of Computer Science at the Toronto Metropolitan University, stands at the forefront of this pedagogical revolution.

CSEd Community of Practice

Integrative Analytics for
CS Education

Embodied Computer Science

Foundational Philosophy

About the CIRCLE lab

The CIRCLE lab refelcts the core value that care-centered pedagogies are vital for fostering a holistic educational experience for ALL students. Introducing a care-centric approach in Computer Science aims to nurture not just the computational skills of budding computer scientists, but also their emotional intelligence, empathy, and ethical reasoning.

At CIRCLE, we study the affordnaces and effectiveness of technologies that foster care-centered approaches, continuously refining our methodologies based on empirical data. We build integrative data analytics to understand emotion, engagement, effort and enactments. We care about the larger societal implications of Computer Science, from the biases in machine learning models to the ethics of data privacy.

Current Projects

Preview EveryDay AI
Preview Integrative Analytics for Care
Preview Embodied CS
Preview Privacy and Responsible AI
Preview Critical Action Learning Exchange
Preview CSforALL

Check Our News

Tools Competition Winner

Sep 2023

Working with Prof.Reich at MIT, we are the 2023 Winners of the Learning Engineering Tools Competition - a multi-million dollar competition for edtech innovation that leverages digital technology, big data, and learning science to meet the urgent needs of learners worldwide.

CS Canada Teachers Learning Network

Oct 2023

Through out TLN, we are working with Computer Science teachers in Ontario to share the latest best practices in K-12 computer science education, provide professional development to help each other,and help CS teachers affirm their own identities and build inclusive classrooms.


Sep 2023

We want teachers and students in all contexts have access to evidence-based practices and resources to actively participate in a computational world. Toward that end, we are collaborating with global partners to conduct research to understand how CS learning happens in a variety of contexts and to develop and provide low-cost computational tools that are accessible to all.

Welcome Atif to our CIRCLE!

July 2023

Atif starts his doctoral journey in CS this Fall at TMU! Atif is a seasoned business practitioner with a deep understanding of technology management and business issues. He has extensive experience in telecommunication and technology/IT management and has held various technology, strategy, and business positions in multiple companies in Canada and across the world.

Welcome Harjot to our CIRCLE!

July 2023

Harjot is a brilliant Computer Scientist with a few years of industry experience post his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from TMU. A dance instructor by training, he is interested in exploring computational principles become embodied in physical form through sensing and movement, or through engaging with the world through a computational social lens.

Talk at NIE, Singapore

June 2023

Dr. Preeti Raman shared the latest work on integrative analytics for care at the NIE. The National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore, is the national teacher education institute in the country and an integral part of the national education system. The talk titled "Exploring the role of integrative analytics in supporting pedagogies of care" started many conversations around the ways in which data can be used to support student growth.


Get in Touch


X: @the_circle_lab
Tel: (+1) 416.979.5063
Fax: (+1) 416.979.5064


Toronto Metropolitan University
Department of Computer Science
George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245, Church Street, Toronto. ON.
Ontario, Canada, M5B2K3.